Founded in 2008, Solomon Law provides legal advice and counseling to diverse companies throughout California, from non-profits to construction and manufacturing companies. Solomon Law provides real-world, efficient legal assistance to clients seeking effective and practical legal services from experienced counsel.
We focus on all matters affecting the employment relationship, from drafting hire letters and employment contracts, to conducting trainings, reviewing and drafting policies and handbooks, and offering proactive counseling.
We also conduct independent investigations to assist employers in evaluating employee complaints of discrimination, harassment, whistle blowing, or other employee concerns. Our investigators have all engaged in litigation practice and bring a litigator’s analysis and understanding to matters raised in the course of conducting investigations and writing Investigative Reports.
Solomon Law’s founding member, Nancy Solomon, began her legal career at a national law firm and has served as General Counsel to companies. She understands and appreciates litigation risks and is able to provide advice with a mind towards running an efficient business that values employees and avoids costly legal exposure.